Health Care
142 m2
Tirana, Albania

A palette of glass tiles, terrazzo and stainless steel was chosen to create an interior that customers want to "reach out and touch" in this medical clinic in Durres. The glass tile wall is the strongest element that frames the clinic experience. It is not only used to highlight the hall and waiting area, but also to difuse natural light in the treatment rooms. We wanted to design a space that was tactile and all-encompassing with a sense of otherworldliness, incorporating associations of sterility with a balance of warmth. Our goal was to different surfaces to be tactile and combined in unexpected ways, almost calling for people to reach out and touch, and for everything to appear as though it was formed from the structure of the building, as though it was all meant to be there. The treatment rooms needed to be highly clinical, sterile and very easy to keep clean. Hygiene was of the utmost importance to the client. So we wanted to find a balance so that it didn't feel cold and unwelcoming.